This month we’re looking at the numbers that make up the AFLPA Induction Program.

Originally, the Induction Program was known as the Certificate III in Sport (Career Oriented) Participation and comprised of 15 units. These units covered AFL coaching, diet and nutrition, sponsorship and networking, opposition analysis, managing risk, wellbeing sessions, and career development.
The Induction Program was reviewed and relaunched in 2017 to cover a range of sessions including career skills, cultural awareness, social media/online safety, gambling education, community engagement, financial literacy, and advice on maximising your time in the AFL.
The program is designed to equip players with the skills to cope with the demands of an AFL career and is mandatory for all draftees to undertake in the first year of their football journey.
Upon completion of the program, clubs can access funding for their team to undertake elective sessions ranging from work placements to cooking classes.